The shocking eyewitness account of the creation of the Antichrist from the culmination of iniquity stretching thousands of years to the first Babylonian rebellion

READ TIME: 12-15 Minutes

Creation of the Antichrist and False Prophet

The Antichrist and False Prophet walk among us today, though they are not yet revealed. They are the seed of Satan, the fulfillment of the God-spoken prophecy in Genesis 3:15. “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.

Right from the beginning, we know that the Antichrist will contain Satan’s DNA. This makes the Antichrist a hybrid, a Nephilim. Will we ever know how Satan brought this to fruition? Is it possible that there are witnesses to the origin of the Antichrist?

Many people have reported unwillingly participating in a complex process invoking the darkest practices to create the greatest evil. These witnesses are survivors of this process, and Jesus is restoring those who have come forward.

The origin of the Antichrist is a journey from the cradle of civilization to the middle ages, and arriving in Nazi Germany.

I am writing this because the consistency between these survivors’ accounts gives credence to the validity of their testimonies. This post contains a condensed summary of these testimonies, and many parts of these accounts are disturbing. After the next post, I will include links to hours of testimonies.

So, where does the journey of the Antichrist begin? In Babylon.

The First Antichrist

Today, we know Mesopotamia as the cradle of civilization. We credit the people of this area for bringing agriculture, writing, and cities to the world. The one who the Bible credits with establishing this seedling empire of Babylon is Nimrod. In the same way that an angel described the empires of Daniel’s day as beasts, Nimrod and his kingdom could the considered the first beast.

The Bible states that Nimrod started as a mighty hunter but began to be a mighty one. This statement contains more than it appears. Till this point in the Bible, the term mighty men had only been used to describe the hybrid Nephilim offspring of the watcher angels and the daughters of man. This term mighty, in its most common meaning, is “one who magnifies himself, behaves proudly, a tyrant, who is bold, audacious.” So Nimrod acted proudly before God and magnified himself before God. You may recognize these words as words Daniel often used in writing about the Antichrist.

Stating that “he began to be” also holds more meaning than appears in the translation. The word used in this case for began, often means to defile, profane, or even prostitute. Some people argue that Nimrod actually became a hybrid through epigenetics. The belief is that through occult practices, he activated genes in his body that physically transformed him into a gibbor, a hybrid, like a Nephilim.

A stone relief below shows his stature in restraining a lion in one arm. His tomb was discovered in Iraq, and his remains are rumored to be 15 feet tall.

Some people claim that the U.S. retrieved his remains during the Iraq war. Nimrod’s DNA would be coveted by powers seeking to use genetics to create a new breed of soldiers.

The Giant Nimrod

Nimrod was the King of Babel, or Babylon, and he rebelled against God. In building the Tower of Babel, he and his people wanted to reach into heaven and make a name for themselves among the heavens.

So the takeaway here is that Nimrod was like the first Antichrist. He became a hybrid, even a giant, and rebelled against God in a true antichrist manner.

I found an interesting note in Strong’s definition of the name Nimrod. Strongs states a plausible spelling of his name to be Nazi-maraddash. Maybe this is a coincidence, but the path of the Antichrist leads directly to the Nazis.

SRA Survivors Remember

I want to preface this next part and explain the source of this information. Much of the process I’m about to describe involves people who were bred and born for ritual use. They suffered satanic ritual abuse (SRA) over many years, causing dissociative identity disorder (DID). I’m not a psychologist, so I will explain this in layman’s terms as I best understand it.

DID is caused when a person, usually a child, is subjected to extreme trauma and dissociates with that trauma, creating a separate personality. Some say that it even fractures their soul. This disassociation also causes amnesia for the memories locked away with that personality. DID is not just a by-product of trauma but an objective of SRA.

Many years after the events I am about to describe, several pastors and Christian psychologists began to find the trauma and memories hidden deeply within these personalities. These include Dr. Jerry Mungadze, Pastor Doug Riggs, Amanda Bynes, and Dan Duvall, among others. They partnered with the Holy Spirit and Jesus to reveal these identities, uncover the memories, and heal the source trauma.

They found a consistent account across all those affected with shocking implications for the events at the end of this age. I have listened to several of these testimonies and found them remarkably consistent. But one common part of all of their stories is inconsistent with history. That inconsistency concerns the death of Adolf Hitler.

The Hitler Project

Western history tells us that Hitler committed suicide in a bunker as invading forces entered Berlin. But many accounts state otherwise. It is verifiable that many Nazis escaped to South American countries such as Argentina and Peru. Certain books and documentaries provide evidence of people who remember Hitler being among them. Of course, this claim is not without controversy; however, all SRA survivors who were part of the program unequivocally state that Hitler was fundamental to everything they went through.

Nazi Germany, with one of the most powerful armies in the world at that time, rose rapidly from an economically devastated country. From these ruins, Adolf Hitler rose to power. Perhaps he had help. Remember Satan’s tempting proposal to Jesus: “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

If Satan has this authority, is it possible that fallen angelic powers assisted Nazi Germany’s rise?

Huge leaps in technology marked the Nazis’ rise. As many of you know, the Book of Enoch describes how the Watchers (angels) gave advanced knowledge to the antediluvian people. The Nazi’s knowledge was so advanced that after the war, the U.S. government brought many of their scientists into the country through Operation Paperclip.

Hitler was an occultist who was fascinated with ancient technologies. He sought to rediscover these technologies to achieve world domination and a master race. The eyewitnesses to this project claim that one of his fascinations was how Nimrod became a mighty man, a gibbor.

As described by survivors, Satan had an end-times use for the man who murdered six million Jews. But Hitler was only part of the equation.

The Culmination of Iniquity

What does it take to create an Antichrist, a man so powerful in the darkness that he takes control of the world and openly challenges God? If these eyewitness testimonies are accurate, the answer lies in the power derived from the culmination of great iniquity.

Hitler may have stored up in his soul more iniquity than any man in history, killing six million Jews. And as the story goes, because of this iniquity, Satan rewarded Hitler with a gift. Before I describe this gift, I need to give some background.

The Third Strand

Have you ever wondered what God meant in the Garden of Eden when he told Adam and Eve that if they ate from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely die? Though they ate from the tree, Adam lived for 930 years, the second longest in history. Theologians typically explain that Adam and Eve experienced a spiritual death, not a physical one. And so, as their descendants, we have lost a spiritual aspect to our lives that Adam and Even once had.

If these eyewitness accounts are true, then the spiritual aspect that Adam and Eve had was contained in a third strand of DNA. This strand exists in a spiritual dimension. And these witnesses report that because of Hitler’s gross iniquity, Satan gave him a third strand of DNA, a Nimrod strand. This strand was the DNA source code for the Antichrist and False Prophet. This third strand was critical for Satan to successfully join his seed with a human ovum to conceive the Antichrist.

Before I go on, you may wonder how the angels of Genesis 6 conceived offspring with human women without this strand. Remember that the offspring of Genesis 6 were violent giants who could never pass as a normal human. The Antichrist must have the same hatred of God and man as the Nephilim giants but be able to pass as a normal man. Something was different about this process; the most likely answer was the third DNA strand.

So, the third strand of DNA was key to Satan’s plan, but still, this was only part of the equation. He needed a woman.

The Royal Bloodline Required

You will find that all of these SRA survivors have a common aspect of their lives… they all come from a royal bloodline. There are 13 families often associated with royalty and the global Luciferian cult known as the Illuminati. Descended from Charlemagne with a lineage allegedly stretching back to Jewish roots, these families have considerable power, wealth, and influence in the world.

My understanding is that these families believe the lie that Jesus and Mary Magdeline had offspring. And they further believe that they descend from this line. Thus, they believe that within them is the ability to bring forth the Christ.

However, they do not worship YHVH. Lucifer is their god. So, while they claim the right to bring forth the Christ, they will actually bring forth the Antichrist.

To achieve this, they would need to consolidate and concentrate the iniquity force of these 13 families into one being. This required advanced knowledge. Enter Joseph Megele.

The Architect of the Antichrist’s Creation

While Hitler was a key aspect of Satan’s plan, he was not the primary orchestrator of it. We know that by the war’s end, Hitler’s health was failing. Satan wanted to harness Hitler’s iniquity force, but Hitler was no longer in his prime. There was another, Joseph Mengele.

Known as the “angel of death,” Mengele was an SS physician and a sorcerer. His nickname came from the inhumane and often deadly medical experiments he conducted on prisoners at Auschwitz. He continued these experiments with the SRA victims conceived in this plan.

Mengele started the process in 1943 and completed it in 1944. What I am about to describe will sound far too advanced for that time period. But one of the major themes communicated by SRA survivors is that the technology the Germans had and the U.S. now has was and is far more advanced than we know. While reading this, remember the advanced knowledge of genetics known by fallen angels.

Mengele’s Process

Creation Antichrist

According to survivors, Mengele spliced together the genetic material from the ova of the royal bloodlines into one ovum. He then spliced in Hitler’s DNA, which was the third strand and the source code for the Antichrist and False Prophet. He then repeated this process. As I best understand it, Mengele combined the resulting eggs in a test tube with the seed of a man to produce several embryos. He then froze the embryos for future use, but their programming already started. While awaiting implantation, they were taken to satanic rituals and consistently exposed to occult evil.

So, who was the father of these embryos? If I understand this correctly, the seed for the Antichrist came from one of the royal family members, King George VI (aka Joseph Collins). The seed from the False Prophet came from a rabbi on the Satanic Sanhedrin. I am unsure of the spelling, but it sounds like Yoshi/Yosha Ben/Bin David. Mengele implanted these embryos over many years, each to create a potential Antichrist and False Prophet.

By mixing the Jewish genes and the gentile genes, including Hitler’s, Mengele intended to create conflict within the embryo. This theme of conflict was an essential part of his programming.

The first birth occurred in 1947.

The Mothers of the Antichrists are Prepared

I want to warn you that from this point, some of the details are hard to stomach. But this is the life of a SRA survivor. The people controlling this process are monsters. They care not for human life but for their own power. Mengele designed this ritual abuse to breed and prepare girls to be mothers of antichrists and false prophets.

Before these babies were born, Mengele subjected them to abuse and torture in the womb. He even violated them in the womb to produce shame. At birth, men subjected the baby girls to a three-way rape. I deduce that family members performed these acts to create an incest bond. After these acts were perpetrated against them, they were placed into an artificial womb to remove attachment from their surrogate mother. Then, they would be rebirthed and subjected to the same horror. This sequence could take place multiple times.

From infancy to about age five, Mengele, who also went by Dr. Green, had custody over the babies. He performed experiments on the children reminiscent of his experiments on Jews in Auschwitz. He would take the children to the point of death, knowing the exact moment when he would need to resuscitate them before losing them.

During these experiments, Hitler was always in the background. Hitler’s third strand of Nimrod DNA allowed him to channel Apollyon, the king of the abyss, named in Revelation 9. In doing so, he powered up Mengele’s works with dark spiritual energy.

But there was a key to Mengele’s experiments, one that you would never expect.

Abusing the Love of Jesus

Mengele was these children’s only father figure. And he performed a shocking act during the babies’ first year – he read scripture to them. By reading scripture, he would draw out their heart. At some point, the babies would reach out to Jesus with their hearts and form an attachment to Jesus. The blaspheme in using Jesus in this way is shocking. But he did this for three reasons.

First, he wanted to create a bond between the infant and Jesus to create conflict within the child. Creating conflict was an important step in the DID programming he performed. Second, the children needed Jesus to survive Mengele’s torture. The third reason is that he sadistically wanted Jesus to be present in the children’s lives so he would experience the ritual abuse they inflicted upon the children.

The children remained with Mengele until they reached the age of six, when they participated in a selection ritual. During this ritual, members of royal families participated. These royals are the same generation of royals that the public loves and adores to this day: queens, kings, and princes.

Preparing to be Impregnated by Satan

At age six, the girls attended a selection ceremony. At this point, they were introduced to Prince Phillip, who would take them on the next phase of their horrific journey. Phillip was a representative of Hitler’s, and Phillip’s wife, Queen Elizabeth, was often in attendance. The accounts of multiple SRA survivors attest that these beloved royals are soaked in evil. The things they did at rituals would shock you. To state they participated in human sacrifice would be mild – and I’ll leave it at that for now.

The girls selected were destined for a date with Satan six years from then. Though not stated in the interviews, I believe the cult sacrificed the girls not chosen. At age six, Phillip took charge of the selected girls (and boys for other uses). He was horribly abusive, showing no form of humanity. Phillip forced the girls to live in cages and treated them like animals. He rubbed them in feces and even forced them to eat feces. He chained them and sodomized them. To call him a pedophile would be like simply calling Mengele a doctor.

At some point in their programming, they placed the girls in surrogate families. There, the abuse would continue until a big ritual at age 12 or 13. In this ritual, Satan would brutally rape them.

The Mothers of the Antichrist and False Prophet

So, who were these two women who became the mothers of the antichrist and false prophet?

In part II of this topic, I will discuss the experiences of two survivors who go by the names of Michelle and Nadine. They are sisters, twinned by Mengele. – the last two birthed in his program. They may be the mothers of the final Antichrist and False Prophet.

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