Eyewitness testimony illustrates the dark power and evil of fallen angels giving new appreciation for the Biblical account of the end times.
READ TIME: 9-12 Minutes
Testimonies on the Fringes
The Book of Revelation and other end-times prophecies seem bizarre and unrelatable to many Christians. In a world of materialism, society trains our minds to believe only what we see. Our minds are elsewhere, lingering on workplace troubles, a new car, a vacation, or our children’s sports.
Living in the “real” world, we are numb and distracted from the spirit realm. And so we are unaware of the true nature of the world’s powers and blind to the nefarious workings of dark forces.
So is it any wonder why most Christians can’t relate to the Book of Revelation? Is it any wonder why Christians dismiss one of the most relevant Biblical books for our time?
It is hard for Christians today to accept the strange Biblical accounts of the deceiving serpent, the giants, and the global flood as reality. So how could these Christians believe that in our time, the four horsemen could ride, fallen entities from the deepest part of the underworld could ravage mankind, or angels could release cosmic destruction upon the earth?
But these concepts are easy to believe for a small portion of the population. These people have experienced the darkness of spiritual realms and the beings within them. In a world of “seeing is believing,” they have seen. And so they have firsthand testimonies of the entities we have only read about in the Bible.
So in this post and several to come, let’s walk on the fringe, where eyewitness testimony meets Biblical strangeness. Weigh every testimony against the word of God and see how bizarre the intersection of flesh and spirit is.
The Power of Angels
What is it like when angels interact with people? When angel messengers appear to humans, they tend to appear in human form, not to overwhelm them. People who experienced these angels, such as Daniel, the Virgin Mary, and Peter, are encouraged and told not to fear.
But these angels are concealing their power.
Certain angels have tremendous power that can impact an entire population at once. When King David disobeyed God, he chose a plague as punishment. An angel delivered the sentence, destroying 70,000 people in three days with a plague. The angel was about to destroy Jerusalem when the Lord restrained him. Think about that… one angel with the power to destroy all of Jerusalem.
Another example is when the Assyrian king Sennacherib besieged Jerusalem. In their defense, the Lord sent an angel who destroyed Sennacherib’s entire army of 185,000 men in one night. One angel did this.
It is unclear sometimes when the Bible states that the Lord acted whether He acted directly or sent an angel. The above accounts state that the Lord did these acts but then clarified that an angel carried out the act.
So while not explicitly stated, angels may also have the power to make armies turn on themselves, such as in the cases of Jehoshaphat and Gideon. (Keep this in mind for later in the post.)
These angels have great power. So why have the fallen ones not destroyed all of humanity by now?
The Restaint of Fallen Angels
God allows significant freedom for fallen angels to operate. Look at the destructive influence of the elohim worshipped as pagan gods throughout the ages. But God sets some restraints.
While it would be too much of a rabbit hole to describe in this post, I have heard several testimonies of those formerly in darkness who described cases where God stepped in and restrained fallen angels and men from certain activities because they would have brought about events before the appointed time. The Apostle Paul describes this concept of restraint in 2 Thessalonians 2.
These entities are well aware of a date with destiny… they have what the Bible calls an appointed time.
Waiting for the Appointed Time
God has appointed times for many things: the sun, moon, seasons, and feasts. But one of the most significant times yet to come is the appointed time of the end. Daniel 8:19, 11:35, and Mark 13:33 describe this best.
“Behold, I am going to let you know what will occur at the final period of the indignation, for it pertains to the appointed time of the end.” – Daniel 8:19
The fallen world is well aware of its appointed time with destiny. Matthew 8:28-34 describes Jesus’ encounter with a couple of demoniacs. When these men saw Jesus, they said, “What business do we have with each other, Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?“
By “the time,” the demons meant the end time when they will be thrown into eternal torment. This comment shows us that these demons were aware of the appointed time and knew that time had not yet come.
God has set many appointed times within the end times. A major appointed time is when fallen angels who have been bound will be released in Revelation 9.
Today I will specifically discuss the release of four fallen angels bound at the Euphrates River. These four angels are bound today, “prepared for the hour and day and month and year.” They wait for the appointed time, down to the very hour when they will “kill a third of mankind.”
Surprisingly, I recently heard of two accounts of encounters with these angels; one in a vision and one in person.
Encounters with the Bound Fallen Angels
Some of what I am about this share may be hard to believe. I can’t guarantee the validity of any eyewitness account, but I can weigh the account against other witnesses and, more importantly, against the testimony of the Bible. So use your discernment as you read these accounts.
The Vision of the Beautiful Vengeful Angel
The first account comes from a vision seen by Donna Howell, the writer of Lies of Men and Gods. In this vision, Donna describes a view from the bottom of a river. She saw a being encased in a transparent time capsule of sorts. The beauty of this entity’s facial features, radiating bluish skin, glowing eyes, and kelp-like tendrils gave Donna the impression this creature held more female qualities. Its majestic appearance seemed worthy of worship for all but the discerning Christian. The entity, let’s say, angel, was initially looking off to the side until she noticed Donna’s presence. The angel then abruptly turned her gaze towards Donna.
She wrote that when this angel gazed into her eyes, she could sense the overwhelming desire for vengeance and blood lust emanating from the angel. If not for the unbreakable barrier between them, she knew the angel would have immediately vanquished her. She sensed that this angel hated God, who imprisoned her, and anyone who was His.
Evaluating the Testimony
So in comparing this account to Biblical accounts, several things align.
- This entity appears angelic, beautiful in appearance, yet frightening to behold. We read of similar reactions among those in Bible who see an angel, such as the virgin Mary or Daniel, whom the angels tell not to be afraid.
- The angel seems to evoke a reaction to worship it, reminiscent of John’s response to an angel in Revelation 22.
- The angel is bound in a river, as described in Revelation 9.
- Like the four angels bound at the Euphrates, this angel holds a deep-seated desire for bloodshed and retaliation.
So this vision appears to be consistent with the Biblical accounts. And though I can’t say for sure that this was a vision of one of these four angels, considering the source, I believe it was.
This next testimony is hard to validate but is extremely intriguing.
The Eyewitness Testimony of the Dreadful Fallen Angel in Chains
This testimony is from an anonymous source, narrated by a podcast host. It is one of four parts of the alleged testimony of an Army Ranger deployed to the Middle East, who was part of a unit tasked with hunting and killing Nephilim giants in Afghanistan. While hard to believe, details of his account have been corroborated by another soldier in his unit and documented by writers such as L.A. Marzulli. The name of this podcast is I Kill Evil that the Government Doesn’t Want You to Know About. This account starts at the 56:20 mark on the video.
This Ranger claims that he is told of an encounter with a chained fallen angel in physical form deep under the Euphrates. This testimony was reportedly relayed by two Force Recon Marines assigned to a team investigating the manifestation of supernatural entities. Their involvement in the group stemmed from this powerful encounter they said occurred during the initial invasion of Iraq.
The Marines’ Testimony
Per the account, the Marines entered a dam on the Euphrates to inspect it. They found the Iraqi dam workers were reluctant to take them down the tunnels, even under the threat of death.
The plant manager stepped up and accompanied them deep underground, spurred by the sounds of chains and groans. The tunnel ended in a partially finished section blocked by a large metal door. The plant manager opened the door, and the Marines entered a vast domed room. Upon entering, they could hear the sounds of massive chains and were overcome with a feeling of evil. They felt nauseated and filled with dread.
Glowing unknown symbols on the walls provided dim light that illuminated a massive creature. The creature was sitting with his head in his hands and was wearing a black robe. He stood up, bound by thick chains as enormous wings spread to his sides. He had intense blue eyes that emitted agony.
With rage and disdain in his voice, the angel spoke, saying, “Why are you here? My time has not come.“
The voice of the angel knocked them to the ground. The Marine telling the story said he felt like his heart was going to burst, and he was filled with terror and chaos.
Then two of the Marines began to rage at each other. They continued to escalate their attacks until one of the Marines shot the other in the head. The shooter then turned his rifle on himself and fired.
The angel then said, “You will leave now if you do not want to be part of the one-third.“
As they quickly left, carrying the two dead soldiers, these hardened warriors shook, and some even cried. The effects on the men were permanent; many killed themselves or were placed in mental wards after the event.
Corroborating the Testimony
While the testimony does not name the dam, history shows that Army Rangers seized the largest dam in Iraq, the Haditha Dam, early in the Iraq War to prevent Saddam Hussein’s forces from destroying it. Documentation also shows that the Marines finished the final demilitarization of the dam.
As another piece of corroberting evidence, I saw an interview between L.A. Marzulli and a soldier. This soldier said that he had heard stories about how the U.S. kept prisoners at Haditha Dam during the war. He said that the prisoners frantically wanted to get out. They could feel an evil presence and were overcome with fear and dread. The soldier believed this air of darkness was from one of the four angels of Revelation bound at the Euphrates River.
Update: 9/3/23 – I just heard a recording that reportedly comes from caverns exposed by the Euphrates River receding. In this recording, you can hear groans and what sounds like chains clanking. This is exactly what the Marine in the story heard. Check it out for yourself on the podcast, The Confessionals. If the recording is real, it would corroborate the Marine’s story.
Evaluating the Testimony
There are a lot of details of this account to consider to evaluate whether this account aligns with Biblical text. Several things stand out to me.
- The chained fallen angel is in the area where the Bible tells us four angels are bound.
- The presence of the angel brings fear to the soldiers. Even good angels are said to have this impact on people, needing to tell them not to fear.
- The hatred and disdain for man and human life are consistent with the fallen entities in the Bible.
- The angel’s reference to an appointed time is consistent with Revelation 9, which states these bound angels will be released at a specific hour, day, month, and year.
- The angel’s reference to “the one-third” is consistent with Revelation 9’s statement that these four angels will kill one-third of mankind.
- This entity was able to cause two soldiers to fight and kill one another. As I mentioned, the Bible tells of God bringing the armies to kill one another, likely through angelic intervention.
So there are many things in this account that match the Biblical narrative. And there is nothing that I see that conflicts with the Bible. So I see one of two possibilities. Either the account is true, or the person who fabricated it knew the Biblical accounts of angels.
Consistency Between the Two Testimonies
We can also find some corroboration in the two accounts’ similarities. Donna Howell’s vision included impressions she received from the angel, including hatred for people, evil, and bloodlust. The account reported by the Army Ranger mentioned the evil feeling, rage, and disdain for man, and he demonstrated his thirst for blood.
They even described the eyes using the exact same phrase. Donna said the angel’s eyes could draw her in “like a moth to a flame.” The Ranger reported that he saw a hand-drawn charcoal sketch of the angel before he heard the account. He said he was drawn to it “like a moth to a flame,” and when he looked into the eyes, someone had to “snap him out of it.”
Though this account could be true, we can’t know for sure. For one, we are not told the account firsthand but through a narrator reading on behalf of a man who heard the account from another. A court of law would consider this testimony hearsay, which is not admissible in court. Second, the story is not corroborated by a second or third witness, which establishes truth in the Bible. Yes, two witnesses relayed the event to the Ranger, but from our perspective, the narrator is our sole witness to the testimony.
Considering all these factors, the best we can say is that this event may have happened, perhaps even likely happened. However, we can’t be certain based on established rules for evaluating evidence. In any case, it definitely is a fascinating story and an intriguing possibility of human interaction with a fallen angel.
The Power of God over Fallen Angels Testimony
There is one more testimony I want to share that demonstrates how the power of God working through His people can overcome these dark entities. This testimony comes from the late Henry Gruver, who has some of the most amazing testimonies I have ever heard. You will find this testimony and others on YouTube, and I encourage you to check them out.
The Lord anointed Henry to do what he called prayer walking. In his prayer walks, the Lord would tell him to go to a place and pray over it. This was usually a place that was bound by darkness through evil practices such as idol worship, murders, and Satanic rituals. He said that, at times, the Lord teamed him with six other men, for certain missions. These men were dedicated prayer warriors; three of them had been Green Berets in Vietnam.
Henry’s Testimony
It was 1988, and Henry awoke early one morning to the Lord telling him to drop to his knees immediately. The instant he did, he was walking the streets of Rome, and the six other men were with him.
He was led by the Lord to open a gate to a downward old and worn spiral stairway. The six men behind him were praying, and Henry felt more power and boldness come over him than ever before.
When they reached the base floor, Henry looked to his left, and there was a massive angel – greyish black with his head resting on his hands. Now, it’s interesting that this angel was in the same pose as the account of the angel under the dam. And just like the angel in the dam, Henry said the angel stood up to his full 25ft-30ft height, his massive wings spreading out. At that time, Henry noticed that there was a second angel on his right. The angel said, “You shouldn’t be here.”
Boldness came over Henry, and the words flowed from his mouth led by God. He pointed at each of the angels and said, “We are here by divine commandment from the Lord Jesus Christ that the apostolic mantle which you have bound for many centuries is now released to the church that the church might be made ready.”
One of the angels said, “We will be going then,” and they began to rise up.
Henry felt the words come through him, and he commanded, “And you will not. But because you kept not your first estate, you are to be bound with chains until the great day of the Lord, says the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Henry said massive chains came down and wrapped around the angels, covering them completely from their necks down to their feet so all they could do was look up. Then instantly, Henry was back in his bedroom.
Upon returning, he checked with the other members, and they all had the same experience. Interestingly, Henry later said that while there, he got the strong sense that this was where the apostle Paul had died, and the angels had bound his apostolic mantle at that spot. Amazing.
When Eyewitness Testimony Meets Biblical Accounts on the Fringe of Reality
If witnessed today, many people would have trouble believing Biblical events, and they would relegate them to the fringe of reality. Would most Christians believe someone who reported seeing giants, hearing a donkey talk, or witnessing a man walking on the sea? The Western mind is conditioned not to believe what we cannot prove. Consequently, the public dismisses many supernatural events as fiction.
So, when we hear the testimonies of Biblically consistent encounters, we must consider whether our perception of the world around us might be too narrow. If true, these testimonies help us see the supernatural events of the Bible as accurate. But if we dismiss these topics, how can we learn to discern what is true and what is deception, using scripture as our measure?
When the events of Revelation occur, we will see things that challenge our notions of reality. While we may not be on earth for the events of Revelation 9, I believe we are already seeing an increase in the supernatural as we grow near to the day. Let’s consider these fringe topics now, so we can discern reality and deception when we witness something we cannot deny.
I will end this by reminding us that God is sovereign. His restraint of these mighty angels shows that they can not withstand Him. All things will come about according to His time, His appointed time.
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Great article, looking forward to reading the next one. I’ve been a Christian for my entire life, & until I got a phone in 2017 (I was 57, long story,) & started reading everything I could find from Dr Thomas Horn, I did not know about the Watchers, giants, & Enoch. Initially, I was so mad that my I wasn’t taught in my church or in my Christian school. Now I just feel blessed to have been taught by Dr Horn, Dr Michael Heiser, & the Almighty God’s Holy Word. Your article is the first one I’ve read with examples. I read about Donn Howell’s a little while back, but the other had to have been horrendous to be in a room with a creature that exuded pure evil from every pore. You are right about the ‘high strangeness’ increasing on this planet. It’s gotten much worse over the last 10 yrs.
Thanks so much for your comment! I’m glad you found the post interesting
I was a Dutch married man living in Holland. My dear wife had a hard time due to astma and related issues. One night I got up
and suddenly I came eye to eye with people close to her bed.
They were clothed in leather coats plus a hat, something like
a gangster type. They looked at me and I at once got the picture.
Dark angels close to my wife’s’ bed. I reacted at once and told them to leave the house, the bedroom immediantly and
at once in the name of Jesus.
Jesus was too much for them.
They left at once through the
window, as per my memories.
Guess you understand I felt a bit better while my dear wife was
still asleep. What a night, what a revelation. Few months later she got very ill. But Jesus was at her/our side. One early morning when visiting her she softly somebody told her to read Psalm 116:9; she could not read,
I could and red Gods’ promises to her and we were both flabbergasted, amazed. She met Jesus and surrendered to Him.
What a miracle, thanks Jesus.
Now she is home.
Wow. It makes me so angry when I hear about dark spirits hurting people. It’s awesome that you stood up to them. God is so good and so faithful. I’m sorry to hear that your wife is no longer with you here, but love how your faith has brought you peace. She is free, and we must continue to fight. God bless you brother