Uncovering the order of events of the Great Tribulation Timeline step-by-step through scripture, challenging traditional theories.
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Start with a Clean Slate
If you are reading the posts on this site, then you obviously have an interest in understanding the signs and events that will transpire at the end of this age. You probably also know how difficult it is to work out a timeline of events when there are so many prophecies containing pieces of the puzzle. Unfortunately, many traditions and theories about how events will play out are based on a subset of these prophecies. As a result, they contradict other prophetic scriptures, which renders them invalid.
Truthfully, despite our best efforts, we will not know all the facts until they occur. However, only theories and timelines that reasonably address every scripture without conflict can be considered as possible.
The timeline I’m about to describe does not exactly match any other timeline you will see. It most closely resembles a pre-wrath timeline but with some important differences. While this timeline contradicts many traditional beliefs, I have not found any scripture that the timeline contradicts.
I ask you to leave behind any preconceptions and let me walk you step by step through this timeline. I will gladly address any questions you post.
Daniel’s Seventh Week Sets the Walls
“And he [the prince to come] will make a firm covenant with the many for one week…” – Daniel 9:27
The one week is a week of years. This final seven-year period described by Daniel is the backbone of every end-times timeline. We know that at the end of this seven-year period, Jesus will “finish the transgression, make an end of sin, make atonement for iniquity, bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up vision and prophecy and anoint the most holy place.”
The Abomination of Desolation Begins the Great Tribulation
“…but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate…” – Daniel 9:27
A pivotal point in the timeline is an event known as the abomination of desolation. In this event, the forces of the Antichrist enter the temple, stop the offerings, and set up an abomination in the holy place. This divides Daniel’s week down the middle into two equal periods.
I refer to the first 3 1/2 year period as the Rise of the Beast. It will be a disruptive time of great changes that will allow the Antichrist to rise. At the beginning of this period, the Antichrist may not be obvious, as he is initially described as the “small horn.” But a major sign of his identity will be his involvement in a milestone covenant per Daniel 9:27. As the week progresses, he will consolidate power with many allies and his identity will become more apparent.
I refer to the second 3 1/2 year period as the Dominion of the Beast. It is during this period that the Beast will be given authority to rule the earth for 3 1/2 years. (Daniel 12:7, Revelation 13:5)
Significantly, the abomination of desolation also marks the beginning of the period known as the Great Tribulation. Jesus coined this term in Matthew 24 to describe the 3 1/2 year period after the abomination of desolation. Jesus clearly places the events in this order, describing the abomination of desolation in verse 15, and then stating six verses later, “For then there will be a great tribulation …”
Though many consider the Great Tribulation as a seven-year period, scripture clearly states that this term only applies to the second half of Daniel’s seventh week.
The Day of the Lord and God’s Wrath
Matthew 24 and Revelation 6 both describe a day known as the Day of the Lord.
In Matthew 24 we learn that the sixth seal, the Day of the Lord, will occur after the start of the Great Tribulation. This is clear because Jesus announces the start of the Tribulation period in verse 21, but he introduces the Day of the Lord in verse 29 with the phrase “But immediately after the tribulation of those days.”
Post-tribulation and many pre-wrath theorists interpret those days to refer to the whole Great Tribulation. They use this as evidence that the rapture will happen near the end of the Great Tribulation. But this position takes Jesus’ phrase out of context. It’s clear in context, that those days refer to the immediate desolation that will occur in Jerusalem upon the abomination being established in the holy place, not the full 1,260 days of the Great Tribulation.
As Luke 21:20 states, “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near.” This event is describing the Antichrist’s invasion of Israel in the War of Gog and Magog from Ezekiel 38. Zechariah 14 best describes the tribulation Jesus warns about. “…the city will be captured, the houses plundered, the women ravished and half of the city exiled.” This is the tribulation of those days.
Consider Jesus’ words, “Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath.”
This is an immediate call to action. Pregnant and nursing mothers, winter, and the Sabbath refer to short-term periods, not a period of years.
The Rapture Timing
The rapture occurs concurrently with the Day of the Lord. The language describing the Day of the Lord and the rapture is so close between Matthew 24 (also Mark 13 and Luke 21), Revelation 6 & 7, and 1 Thess. 4 (the definitive rapture scripture), that it is undeniable that these scriptures are describing the same events. I support this position in The Rapture – Scripture Settles the Pre-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation Debate and Six Seals Revealed in the Olivet Discourse.
The rapture will occur after the Great Tribulation starts based on the sequence established in Matthew 24 and Revelation 6-7. But exactly how soon after is unclear. However, I believe it will occur shortly after because when the angel in Daniel 12 describes the Great Tribulation, he states, “And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.”
The phrase “at that time,” denotes a point in time at the beginning of the “time of distress”. Plus the word rescued (Strongs 4422 – rescue(4x), escape(63x), deliver(17x), save(10x)) denotes an escape from the terror. This scripture clearly refutes the position that the saints at the Day of the Lord (the five virgins with oil) will suffer the Antichrist’s cruelty and bloodshed. This is in contrast to the tribulation saints (the five virgins who returned with oil after the bridegroom left) who will remain on the earth.
The Two Witnesses’ Testimony
The two witnesses, representing the law and the prophets, are sent to give testimony to those remaining after the rapture. They will be given authority for 3 1/2 years to prophesy and deliver judgments in an effort to bring people to God. During this time, anyone who denies the Beast will be martyred (Rev. 13:15). See the post How to See the God of Love and Mercy Among the Wrath of Revelation for more details.
We know their 3 1/2 year testimony corresponds to the time of the Beast’s 3 1/2 authority. Per Luke 21:24 and Revelation 11:2 both will end concurrently with the end of the gentiles’ rule over the temple. (Note that the word nations in Rev. 11 and gentiles in Luke 21 are based on the same Greek word, ethnos)
We also know this because both the witnesses’ testimony and the beast’s authority end after the “second woe”.
Beginning of God’s Wrath – The Trumpets
God’s wrath arrives with the end of the sixth seal and is poured out with the trumpet judgments. The Bible is not clear exactly when these judgments begin, but we know for certain when they end.
The seventh trumpet, following the sixth trumpet (a.k.a second woe) marks the end of the Beast’s reign over the earth and the beginning of Jesus’ reign. We know this from Revelation 11:15-17, which states, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever… You have taken Your great power and have begun to reign.”
Daniel’s seventh week ends with the end of the Beast’s reign. But this is not the end of the timeline. The Beast remains on the earth, which may explain two other mysterious time periods given by an angel to Daniel.
Daniel’s Additional Days
In Daniel 12, Daniel asks an angel how long the tribulation period will take. The angel gives an enigmatic response, referring to three different time periods. At first, the angel states that it will be a time, times, and half a time, ending when the power of the holy people is shattered. The phrase time, times, and half a time means 3 1/2 years (1 + 2 + 1/2). This also equals 42 months as used in Revelation 13:5 and 11:2, and also equals 1,260 days.
But then the angel tells Daniel there will be 1,290 days after the abomination of desolation. This is 30 days longer than all the previous measures given throughout scripture. Then he gives another number, stating that those will be blessed who attain the 1,335 days.
I have never heard a good explanation for these time periods. But it occurred to me that while the Beast’s 1,260-day reign ends with the seventh trumpet, there are still more events yet to occur. Daniel’s 7th week ends when the power of the holy people has been shattered (i.e. their death). This occurs after the sixth trumpet but before the bowl judgments.
We know this because Revelation states that the rest of mankind not killed by the sixth trumpet do not repent. So we can infer from this statement that the armies of the sixth trumpet kill all who repent (i.e. the holy people).
The Next 30 Days – The Bowl Judgments
The seventh trumpet starts the seven bowl judgments. These are the harshest of God’s wrath. With all believers either resurrected, raptured, or martyred, only the Beast’s followers remain. These judgments are so severe, that the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet are able to gather all the kings of the earth to Armageddon to battle Jesus Christ and His armies. Jesus slaughters the armies with the sword of his mouth and the Beast and False Prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire. Satan is also seized and imprisoned for 1,000 years.
The Next 45 Days – Judgment and Resurrection
I believe the additional 45 days (1,335), usher in a period of blessing per the angel’s words. Though scripture does not specify what occurs during these 45 days, it is logical that this period includes the wrapping up of all things promised by the angel Gabriel in Daniel 9.
During this time, the tribulation martyrs are resurrected and join the previously resurrected and raptured saints to rule the earth with Jesus for 1,000 years. The marriage of the Lamb occurs at this time, following the wedding supper (by tradition before the wedding) at Armageddon.
A New Heaven and New Earth
At the end of the 1,000 years, Satan is freed and deceives the nations once again to war against Jesus. This time, fire comes down from heaven and consumes the rebellious, and Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire. Then all the dead are resurrected, judged according to their deeds, and thrown into the Lake of Fire.
After this, a new heaven and new earth replace the old and God resides with His people forever.
Where are We Today?
I believe we are very close to the start of Daniel’s Seventh Week. I also believe it is likely that the first five seals have been opened as evidenced by earthly occurrences. (See post Has Jesus Opened the Seals?)
We should continue to watch for signs to manifest, including a covenant with many, as well as a temple in Jerusalem opening to offer sacrifices. This temple could be as simple as a tabernacle. As Temple Movement chairman Yaakov Hayman said, “The first phase of building the Temple would be minor construction, creating spaces for Jews and Christians to worship.”
I believe we may see these events play out over this decade and possibly into the next. Be watchful.
(see post God’s 7,000 Year Timeline – Could Jesus Return this Decade?)
Consider that the abomination of desolation involves not a brick and mortar temple but our physical body as the temple of the HS. The abomination could then be an Antichrist-driven alteration of our DNA (to make us, what?, more compliant?)
Thanks, Lynne. I have considered that possibility as Paul uses the Greek word “naon” to describe our bodies as a temple several times. I respect that viewpoint and do not deny the possibility, though I favor the view that the abomination of desolation will occur at a physical temple b/c Dan. 8:11 “place… thrown down,” 2 Thess 2:4 “takes his seat,” and Rev. 11:1 “measure the temple,” all refer to a physical place. Time will tell!