The Bible reveals Satan’s strategy to defeat nations by attacking God’s law, making this election is critical to the survival of our nation.

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Where is the U.S. in End-Times Prophecy?

Have you ever wondered why does the United States not appear in end-times prophecy in any obvious way? The U.S. is still the leading superpower in the world and a close ally of Israel. Today, if a coalition of nations led by the Antichrist attacked Israel, the U.S. would undoubtedly be there to assist.

But in the upcoming years, this scenario will play out in Israel without U.S. intervention. So what happens to the U.S.?

The answer is in the Bible.

The Bible provides a model for the rise and fall of nations, and I can best describe it as the principle of lawlessness. The Apostle Paul described it as a mystery and ascribed it to the antichrist spirit. And this mystery occurs when a nation abandons God’s law.

The principle of lawlessness has been with humanity since the beginning and is at work in our nation today. And it is Satan’s primary weapon in taking down governments.

Now let’s look at how the principle works.

God’s Law Protects Us and Brings Prosperity

In obedience to God’s law, we are afforded His protection. Satan’s devices have little effect on us while we are under the law. But once outside of the law, we are vulnerable.

We see this in the Bible from the very beginning. When Satan came in the form of a serpent, he couldn’t bring murder, theft, and death upon Adam and Eve. Instead, he tempted Eve to break the one thing that kept them protected from evil – a single law. A single rule existed to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

But once they broke the law, everything changed. Death entered the world. In the very next chapter, we see that selfishness, jealousy, and murder came upon the earth.

Throughout the Bible, we see the importance of keeping God’s law and the consequences of disobeying it. When nations keep God’s law, He blesses them with prosperity and protection. When they abandon it, they are left unprotected, judged, and even destroyed. If you want a good summary of this principle, read Deuteronomy 6 and 7.

Satan Tempts America to Abandon God’s Law

In the 1950s, America embraced God as a core part of what it meant to be an American. This decade birthed the National Day of Prayer, the addition of “One nation under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance, and the adoption of “In God We Trust” as the country’s motto.

At that time, the Bible was still read in public schools and was considered part of American education. Because of this, even Americans who were not believers had an understanding of God’s laws.

During this decade, the world viewed America as a leader – respected and emulated by many of the world’s nations.

But the 1960’s was a very different decade.

Through a series of Supreme Court decisions, the court ruled that teaching of the Bible in public schools was against the 1st amendment. After that, generations of Americans grew up without an understanding of God’s laws.

This attack on God’s law has Satan’s fingerprints all over it.

As a direct result of removing God’s law from public schools, absolute moralism morphed into relative moralism. Judeo-Christian beliefs degraded into Universalism. Today, the drifting desires of people dictate our morals. What was immoral just ten years ago is considered moral today and vice versa.

It’s hard to believe that only 24 years ago President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act, confirming marriage to be between a man and a woman with 86% Senate approval. Today, society condemns all those who still hold to this view as bigots and “haters.”

It was the change of the law that empowered this dramatic shift.

Satan Uses the Law to Change the Nation

Satan’s primary weapon against the U.S. has been the law. The serpent is “crafty.” He knows our laws and manipulates people to oppose them just as he did with Eve. Interestingly, the Supreme Court case School District of Abington Township v. Schempp began with a single 16-year old boy who received a copy of the Quran from a friend. This event seems almost as subtle as a serpent whispering suggestions to a newly created woman.

Many of the nation’s laws before the 1960s had some basis in God’s law. Amazingly, most of our cultural depravity rose in popularity after the Supreme Court overturned these laws:

  • Child sacrifice – Supreme Court legalizes abortion in 1973
  • Homosexual marriages – Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in 2015
  • Gender Identity and Transgenderism – Supreme Court redefines “sex” in Title IX to mean sexual orientation and gender identity in 2020

These first two decisions have dramatically impacted our society and taken our culture further down a path of moral decay. The third decision is brand new and will be sure to have an equally dramatic impact on our society as the first two.

Why? The apostle Paul explains to us in Romans 1 that when people reject the truth of God’s word and His law, He gives them over to destructive behaviors such as homosexuality, criminality, and deceit. In his words, they become arrogant, unmerciful slanderers who hate God and encourage others in the same actions.

Look at the news. Does this not define a significant portion of our population today?

Why President Trump Has Shaken Up the Nation

President Trump proved to be a wrench in Satan’s plan. He took measures that stood in direct opposition to the rules that former Presidents’ had instituted. He immediately took a position of law and order and as a result, half the nation raged.

When he fought to extend border walls and enforce immigration laws liberals rebelled. Cities sided with lawlessness, proclaiming themselves to be sanctuaries to illegal immigrants. They refused to cooperate with Federal immigration authorities even in cases of violent criminals. Instead of supporting the law they called to abolish the enforcement of the law. “Abolish ICE” became the rallying call.

After a police officer wrongfully killed George Floyd, many vilified all police officers – black and white. The new rallying call was “Defund the Police.” Liberal mayors and governors supported occupying protests that proved to be sanctuaries for criminal activity. The liberal media complied, painting rosy pictures of valiant protesters standing up for right. However, many protesters turned out to be violent criminals, destroying property, looting, and attacking all dissenters. (See my post, Why the Mystery of Lawlessness is Manifesting in the U.S. for more details)

Do you see what’s happening here?

As long as the nation complies with the rebellion against God’s law, there will be “peace.” But when a President stands for God’s law, including protection for prayer in schools, fighting abortion, protecting religious freedom (despite pressure from LGBTQ activists), and holding to God’s creation of biological sexes, the nation rages.

The lawlessness we are witnessing in the streets results from President Trump resisting the attack on God’s law. For this reason, many evangelical Christians support him despite his sometimes harsh personality.

But this is not the biggest reason Satan wants to remove President Trump from office.

Why This Election is Critical to the Nation’s Survival

Presidents come and go. President Trump may win another election, but at some point, a President will come who rolls back his changes. However, President Trump has the power to influence the nation for years to come. That influence is through the appointing of life-term judges.

As I established previously, Satan attacks the nation through the law. Judges, especially Supreme Court judges, have had a significant impact on our society.

President Trump has tied for the most confirmed life-term judges of any President since Carter through August 1st. Of these judges, he has appointed nearly 30% of all U.S. Courts of Appeals judges. Most importantly, he has appointed two Supreme Court justices, and there is a good likelihood that at least one more seat will open in the next four years. If a liberal justice vacates their seat during President Trump’s term, it could change the social leaning of the court.

[UPDATE: As I was publishing this post, I saw the news headline that Justice Ginsburg has passed away.]

This next Supreme Court appointment will be essential to rulings that will determine critical social issues that could have as large of an impact as Roe vs. Wade or Obergefell vs. Hodges.

But could these judicial appointments be truly critical for our nation’s survival?

Disobedience Against God’s Law Brings Calamity and Judgement

George Washington, the father of our country, knew that God’s law was a cornerstone of the country. He further knew that disobeying the law would remove the country from God’s blessings.

In his inaugural address, he stated, “Since we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which heaven itself has ordained.

President Washington knew from the Bible that God brings judgment upon those nations that disobey His laws. But God is patient. He has always given countries time to repent.

First, He forewarned them through the prophets. If they failed to repent, he sought their repentance through warnings such as enemy attacks, pestilence, and drought. If the people didn’t repent, He brought judgment and destroyed their nation.

The Bible describes this pattern in the Northern kingdom of Israel with the Assyrians and again in Judah with the Babylonians.

Have we seen this pattern of warnings here in America?

We Stand Warned

Yes, starting with the prophets. We have been warned both through the Biblical prophets and modern-day prophets such as David Wilkerson, John Paul Jackson, and Jonathan Cahn. (Consider reading The Harbinger and The Harbinger II.)

Now, we are experiencing severe warnings to our nation, such as pestilence, extreme weather, drought, and wildfires. We see lawlessness taking hold in violent protests, intolerance to views, riots, looting, and destruction of monuments.

Clearly, we have been warned. So if America continues in its disobedience, it will face judgement.

But there is one hope – repentance. We saw in the book of Jonah that God intended to destroy Nineveh for their wickedness, but sent Jonah first to warn them. Once Jonah gave the warning, all of Nineveh repented, and God withheld judgment from them.

Who Leads the Country Matters

Who we chose to lead our nation is equally critical.

The Bible proves a direct link between the actions of a King and the impact on his nation. An example is King Josiah, whose fathers’ had forsaken God’s law, and as a result, God planned to destroy Judah. But King Josiah rediscovered the book of the law, repented, and implemented profound changes throughout the nation. For this, God promised King Josiah that He would withhold destruction during Josiah’s lifetime.

After Josiah’s death, his sons went back to their evil ways and God sent Babylon to destroy Judah.

Like Josiah, President Trump appears to have found God’s law during his presidency. He has implemented many changes in favor of God’s ways and against the desecration of His law. Also like Josiah, President Trump has reversed some of the damage caused by his predecessor, including historic recognition of the land God gave to Israel.

If the next President reverses President’s Trumps changes and goes back to the ways of his predecessor, President Obama, we may see judgement arrive.

This election is critical. One candidate will continue to uphold God’s law, and one will further degrade it. The choice for the fate of our country is in our hands.

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