Does the Bible foretell of a one-world government ruled by the Beast at the end of times, or is this just a conspiracy theory?
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Biblical Prophecy or Conspiracy Theory?
The Bible speaks of a time when the Beast, a resurrected empire, will have considerable authority over all the earth. Specifically, the Beast will require worship from all people and even restrict trade to only those who accept its authority. The penalty of disobedience will be death.
The Beast’s extensive power has led most Biblical scholars to conclude that there must be a one-world government in the end-times. Conspiracy theorists use scriptures about the Beast of Revelation as support for the “new world order” theory. In this theory, a secret group of elite globalists exists with immense wealth and power, controlling the events of the world while remaining hidden in the shadows.
Proponents of this theory speak of influential families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and secret organizations like the Illuminati and Freemasons. They see the United Nations as evidence of third order and a precursor to a coming world-governing organization.
But does the Bible really describe a one-world government?
What the Bible Says about a One-World Government
The Bible does not actually state that one government will rule the world during the end-times. Instead, readers infer this belief from scripture, primarily Revelation 13, which describes the authority of the beast. The phrases from Revelation 13 that support this are as follows:
- the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority
- the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast
- authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him
- all who dwell on the earth will worship him
- he causes all… to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead
- no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark
Notice that nowhere in these lines does it state that the beast will rule or govern the world. I found a website that listed 100 verses that described a one-world end-times government. However, not one of these scriptures states that the beast will rule the world through a government – not one.
Readers infer this belief from scriptures like those above. So we must look to other scriptures about the end-times Beast to clarify his role.
But the absence of stating “one-world government” does not rule out the possibility. So is there a scripture that says that there will not be a one-world government?
Scripture that Contradicts the Notion of a One-World Government
Actually, Scripture refutes the notion of a one-world government. Here are just a few of many examples that refute this claim:
- Revelation 17:12-13 clearly describes the Beast as having ten horns representing ten kings who give their power and authority to the Beast. This description is inconsistent with one government forming out of the 195 countries of the world.
- Daniel 11 describes countries opposing the Antichrist, such as the King of the South and the ships of Kittim. This opposition would not occur if the Antichrist controlled the world through one government.
- Zechariah 12 states that “all the nations of the earth will be gathered against” Israel. If the world were under a one-world government, there would not be many nations to gather.
- Revelation 16:13-14 describes how the Dragon, Beast, and false prophet send demons to “go out to the kings of the whole [inhabited] world, to gather them together for the war.” This scripture clearly shows that there will be many kings at the end of the Beast’s reign.
So why do so many people believe in a coming one-world government?
The Beast’s Authority
People conclude there is a one-world government based on human reasoning and ignoring conflicting scripture. Revelation describes the immense authority the Beast will have over the people of the earth and their activities. The Beast will even be able to monitor allegiance. Naturally, many people reason that for the antichrist to have such global reach that there must be one government.
Daniel 7 bridges these concepts. Daniel’s vision consists of four beasts/empires that rule the middle-east in succession. Though the fourth Beast will “devour the whole earth,” it will only consist of ten kingdoms (Daniel 7:24). How can the Beast affect the whole earth yet only rule a government in the middle-east?
Revelation 16 seems to reveal the answer.
In this scripture, the Dragon, the Beast, and the false prophet send out demons to gather the kings of the whole world for Armageddon. It is clear from this scripture that multiple kingdoms still exist late in the Great Tribulation. It is also clear that the beast controls them through spirits. Therefore when Revelation 13:5 speaks of the beast’s authority, it is speaking of spiritual authority, not governmental authority.
Revelation 13:2 supports this concept. This scripture tells us that “the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.”
Satan’s authority is spiritual – his kingdom is a spiritual kingdom, through which he controls many kingdoms of the world. Luke 4:6 confirms this statement. In scripture, satan shows Jesus the kingdoms of the world as says, “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me,…”
Therefore the beast stands in satan’s authority and impacts the nations of the world through his governing authority is limited to the middle-east.
What to Watch For
So don’t be distracted by conspiracy theories about the “new world order,” a single world currency, or a UN takeover. Keep your eyes on what the Bible says will happen. Keep your eyes on the middle-east for the re-emergence of an empire originating from the Turkish region. Take notice of the alliances and opponents noted in Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11. See my post, Ottoman Empire – The Beast Reviving and Claiming Former Territories for details.
When you see a leader who takes the rule from three other nations, pay very close attention. And when this ruler moves against Israel, know that the time is near.
Lastly, when you see the abomination of desolation and the turmoil that follows, “lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near.”