by Joel Michael | Dec 26, 2021 | End-Times Explained
Recent discoveries about the Dead Sea Scrolls’ calendar illuminates the timing of the end of this age and frames the window for Jesus’ return READ TIME 4 Minutes New Discoveries Reveal Where We Stand in Time From the beginning, God established a 6+1 time cycle. He...
by Joel Michael | Aug 5, 2021 | End-Times Explained
Uncovering the order of events of the Great Tribulation Timeline step-by-step through scripture, challenging traditional theories. READ TIME: 6 Minutes Start with a Clean Slate If you are reading the posts on this site, then you obviously have an interest in...
by Joel Michael | Jul 22, 2021 | End-Times Explained
Many Christians struggle to reconcile how a loving God could destroy the earth and kill millions of people in Revelation, but amidst His wrath, God strives to reach the repentant. READ TIME: 3.5 Minutes The God of Mercy in Wrath One of my sons has a very different...
by Joel Michael | Apr 30, 2021 | End-Times Explained
The purpose of the seals, trumpets, and bowls and how they influence the rise and fall of the Beast and Antichrist over three distinct eras READ TIME: 5 Minutes Understanding the Seals, Bowls, and Trumpets When I first started striving to understand the Book of...
by Joel Michael | Jan 8, 2021 | End-Times Explained
The Book of Revelation is not just a symbolic prophecy, but a specific guide to how we navigate the end of this age and prepare for the redemption of creation. READ TIME: 4.5 Minutes What is Apocalypse? What comes to mind when you think of the word apocalypse? Do you...
by Joel Michael | Jan 1, 2021 | End-Times Explained
In the debate over a Pre-Tribulation or Post-Tribulation rapture, a scriptural view satisfies the arguments of both. READ TIME: 4.5 Minutes The Reason for the Rapture Debate How can strong, learned theologians disagree on the timing as big as the rapture? Both sides...
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